2023-2024 School Innovation & Improvement Plan/ESSER

Outcome goals for this academic school year

Complete ESSER School Funding Plans



Reading by 3rd Grade




Measurable Outcome

By 2024, the percentage of students with disabilities demonstrating proficiency in reading as measured by the 3rd grade SOL assessment will increase by at least 20%.

Strategy 1


Improve daily, systematic, explicit instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, and morphology in the core language arts block. (HLP 2)

Action 1Develop clear criteria for flexibly grouping students based on their reading skills, interests, and learning styles with reading specialist and ESOL team.
Action 2Reading specialist offer workshops, seminars, and coaching sessions for teachers focused on evidence-based strategies for explicit teaching.
Action 3MTSS team will evaluate and select instructional materials that support clear and systematic instruction of phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills and progress monitor student achievement.

Strategy 2


Increase use of data (e.g., iReady, CORE, PASS, PRF, WIDA) to plan instruction and monitor progress for students demonstrating risk. (HLP 2-5)

Action 1MTSS team will utilize data to inform the decision-making process each six weeks for student placement in reading groups, ensuring that each student is appropriately challenged and supported in their reading development through MTSS.
Action 2Team Leads and Resource Teachers will utilize CLTs to create and implement a schedule and framework for Tier 2 (reteaching) small group instruction per grade level to meet student needs. Utilizing updated classroom libraries to select texts for reteaching essentials skills.
Action 3Teachers will use data to identify students who may benefit from moving to a different group to better meet their needs around specific skills

Strategy 3


Increase impact of tier 2 interventions for students demonstrating risk by using FCPS-recommended programs and practices with fidelity (e.g., Lexia, UFLI). (HLP 5)

Action 1After properly matching, special education teachers will implement evidence-based reading programs with fidelity in educational settings, ensuring optimal student outcomes and improved reading proficiency.
Action 2Daily Lexia reading practice for students for at least 30 minutes in addition to a 30 minute weekly block with a student monitor.
Action 3Provide embedded PD for special education and general education teachers to effectively use the programs, progress monitor, and make adjustments as necessary to ensure ALL students master essential skills.

Elementary School Math


Measurable OutcomeBy June 2024, the percentage of students with disabilities in grades 3-6 demonstrating proficiency in math as measured by the SOL assessment will increase by at least 20%.

Strategy 1


Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.

Action 1Implement evidence-based intervention programs with fidelity during the grade level intervention block. Our MTSS team will identify, and progress monitor Tier 3 interventions delivered by resource teachers and general education teachers.
Action 2Provide embedded PD for teachers to effectively use the programs, progress monitor, and adjust as necessary to ensure ALL students master essential skills through the MTSS.
Action 3Utilize CLTs to create and implement a schedule or framework for Tier 2 small group instruction per grade level to meet student needs.

Strategy 2

Improve teachers’ implementation of Framework for Engaging & Student-Centered Mathematics Instruction.


Action 1Grade level teams will use assessment data to group students by name and need across the grade level.
Action 2Use data-driven dialogues to identify areas of strength and weakness in student learning, to develop targeted interventions (reteach and extend) to address those areas, and monitor the impact of those interventions.
Action 3Grade level teams will have time to explore and engage in rich task implementation to use within their classrooms.

Strategy 3

Increase teachers’ implementation strategies related to Shift 4: from show and tell to share and compare.


Action 1Teachers will engage in PD around Shift 4 within CTs and Staff Development days. In CTs, teachers will utilize the PPG, Ecubed work, and rich mathematical tasks to plan for opportunities that allow students to move from show and tell to share and compare.
Action 2Ensure there are a variety of hands-on manipulatives, visuals, etc. to support Tier 1 mathematics instruction. Build grade-level/skill specific manipulative kits that can be used for small group math instruction. Engage community through math nights to model Tier 1 practices for all students.
Action 3Teachers will explore the importance of allowing students time to reflect on their learning after each math lesson, and begin to prioritize that time to faciliate student reflection in the classroom.
Chronic Absenteeism
Measurable OutcomeBy June 2024, current or cumulative three-year chronic absenteeism rate will decrease from 18.5% to less than or equal to 15% for all students.

Strategy 1

Create a school culture of engagement & belonging for students and families. Every staff, student, and family will feel safe and connected to the school community.

Action 1School administration will establish a Principal/Student Advisory Council to meet regularly to celebrate success and receive feedback from students.
Action 2Designing a family engagement calendar for all staff and families in collaboration with the Equity Team and PTA.
Action 3Creating and implementing a GBE Post Office for staff and students to write letters to each other to facilitate a culture of engagement and belonging.

Strategy 2

Strengthen school team practices to monitor attendance data and determine need for intervention and additional support.

Action 1Biweekly MTSS attendance meetings to review and monitor attendance data.
Action 2Data dialogue using attendance data wall to monitor schoolwide implementation of Tier 1 behavior instruction.

Strategy 3

Increase opportunities for personalized early attendance outreach.

Action 1Weekly phone calls from school staff to follow-up any absences reported the previous week.
Action 2Attendance team will connect families with supports needed to increase school attendance early in the school year.
Action 3Provide meetings in-person or virtual with families to review progress for any student after the phone call.