10 Reasons GBE Stands Out

Having Great Days, The GBE Way!

Greenbriar East Elementary School affirms its commitment to creating a community of inquisitive and enthusiastic learners by fostering a challenging, inclusive educational program incorporating technology, and embodying an integrated curriculum to meet the individual and collective needs of all children. The Greenbriar East community strives to honor diversity through social, emotional, and cultural growth of our students. GBE provides an inclusive learning environment that stimulates the development of positive attitudes, promotes intellectual curiosity, fosters independent thinking, and encourages academic achievement.

Advanced Academics at GBE 

Any 3rd through 6th grade student at GBE can access advanced academics through our Local Level IV program, advanced math opportunities, and part-time services. In the last 5 years, the number of students receiving advanced academic services has nearly doubled from 147 students to 285 students!


Clubs and Programs 


Our PTA fosters incredible before and after school clubs for our students! Two student favorites are our successful Chess Club and Run Club! Our Run Club participates in the Feed Fairfax 5K to give back to our local community!


SCA, Patrols, Lunch Bunch with the Principal

We develop student leaders at GBE! 5th and 6th grade students can serve on the Student Council Association, Patrols, or join a Lunch Bunch with the principal to help make GBE a great place to learn! 



Get2Green at GBE is revitalizing the outdoor spaces of Greenbriar East! We’re creating beautiful sensory gardens, adding natural elements to play areas, and planting a vibrant array of flowers and plants. Inside the school, we’re committed to sustainability through recycling initiatives and innovative programs like our food sharing project, aiming to become a Zero Waste school. 


GBE Staff Recognition 

Our GBE staff goes above and beyond for our students! Ms. Hannah Miller, Special Education Department Chair, and Ms. Rebecca Hitchings, Kindergarten Teacher, were recently selected as the Region 5 FCPS Cares recipients. We recognize our Outstanding GBE Employees each year! We are proud of all our staff and recognize those nominated and selected to represent GBE! 

staff recognition


Our PTA Rocks!   

Our GBE PTA focuses on school programs, beautification and collaborates with GBE Staff to bring to life amazing community events like Fall Festival, Outdoor Movie night, STEAM night, Glow Run and more! Visit Gbepta.org to learn more!


GBE Night

Celebrate GBE! and Spotlight on Learning 

Our staff organize events to showcase our families and students! Celebrate GBE is a full day in the fall in which families join their students for Thanksgiving Lunch during the day and learn more about each other in the evening to celebrate the incredible diversity at GBE! In the Spring, we host our Spotlight on Learning for families to see all the progress our students have made during the school year!


Spotlight on learning IMG_2802.jpg


House Points, House Pep Assemblies, and House Meetings

Our students all belong to one of our eight Houses! Students remain in the same House during their time at GBE. Each House includes students from other homerooms and grade levels to build connections across the school. We hold whole school Pep Assemblies at the end of each Quarter to celebrate the points earned for positive behavior for each House. We also include House Meetings for each House to meet together to strengthen community in each House.  

house of stone


Former GBE Student Fardowsa Tarey returns to teach 3rd Grade!  

We retain and hire amazing staff at GBE! We have a retention rate of over 90% of our staff and our school community attracts incredible teachers! A former GBE student, Ms. Fardowsa Tarey, has returned to GBE as a 3rd grade teacher! Click here to read more about Ms. Tarey and why she loves teaching at GBE!



top reasons 10Military Connected Families  

We honor our military connected families throughout the year during Blue Star Week and Veterans Day. GBE and our PTA hosted a Blue Star breakfast for our Blue Star Families!


Our veterans were interviewed by the GBE News Team to share about their service and teach our students more about military service.
